About the Central Sports Foundation

Welcome to the Central Sports Foundation, a cornerstone in the world of badminton dedicated to nurturing talent and passion for the sport. At Central Sports, we believe in the power of support and dedication. Our mission is to help players and coaches at all levels to advance in their badminton careers, offering a comprehensive support system designed to alleviate the pressures of competitive sports. We understand the journey of an athlete is challenging, often requiring more than just talent and hard work. It demands resources, guidance, and an environment that fosters growth and excellence.

Our Support System

The Central Sports Foundation is committed to providing an unparalleled level of support, focusing on the key aspects that make a successful badminton career:

  • Equipment and Gear: High-quality equipment is essential for peak performance. We ensure our athletes and coaches have access to the best gear, customised to their playing style and needs.
  • Funding and Sponsorships: Financial constraints should never be a barrier to talent. Our foundation offers funding and seeks sponsorships to cover travel, training, and competition expenses, allowing our athletes to focus solely on their game.
  • Career Guidance: From young aspirants to seasoned professionals, our network of experienced coaches and mentors provide valuable insights and advice, steering careers in the right direction.
  • Advice Network: Pull off our extensive network of experienced players and coaches for advice at any time. We're all here together to help.
  • Exclusive Events: Access our exclusive events such as product launch demos, coaching camps, dinners with legends and more.
  • Coach Help: Our coaching network are here to help, access preferential rates, over the phone advice or just help with coaching when you're coach-less at an event.

Impact and Reach

Our efforts have borne fruit, aiding numerous athletes and coaches to achieve and surpass their goals. Some of the distinguished individuals and institutions we've supported include:

  • Professional Athletes: Ben Lane, Sean Vendy & Estelle Van Leeuwen, notable figures in badminton who have reached new heights with our support.
  • Paralympic Stars: Jack Shephard, Krysten Coombes, Rachel Choong, and Dan Bethell, who have shown exceptional skill and determination on the international stage.
  • Junior Aspirants: Upcoming stars like Nikhil Pulikkottil, Sajan Senthuran, Felix Wright, Michelle Chen, Mutiara Mandala, Etienne Fan, Rajvi, and Tashvi Parab have all benefited from our tailored support programs.
  • Coaching Excellence: We have aided coaches such as Toby Penty, Ben Williams, Martyn Lewis, Atu Sagita, Raj Popat, Robert Golding and Nic Strange, empowering them to nurture the next generation of badminton talent.
  • Academies and Clubs: Institutions like the Tripp Academy, Edinburgh Badminton Academy, Sankey Academy, Aston Stars, OPBC, and Solihull & Shirley have partnered with us to develop programs that foster talent and competitive spirit.

Join Our Cause

The journey of an athlete or coach is filled with highs and lows. At the Central Sports Foundation, we aim to make the path a little smoother, ensuring that financial burdens, lack of resources, or guidance do not hinder potential. Whether you are a player aiming for the stars, a coach dedicated to moulding champions, or an academy committed to excellence, we invite you to join our cause.

Together, we can create a future where every badminton talent gets the opportunity to shine, unencumbered by the challenges that often cut promising careers short. Contact us today to learn how you can be a part of this exciting journey, either as a beneficiary of our programs or as a valued supporter.

Central Sports Foundation: Empowering Badminton Talents to Reach New Heights. We're more than just a company, we're a family, join us now.