Balance determines whether your racket is head heavy, even or head light.
Flexibility ranges from 0 – 100%, the higher the percentage, the chance of generating power in your shot.
Total Weight is the unstrung weight of the racket as measured by Yonex Precision Scan. Heavier rackets generate more power.
Swing Weight is measured by the swinging of the racket at a specific speed. A lighter swing weight can lead to more control.
Performance Swing Weight considers the weight, balance and swing weight to give you an effective estimate of the power behind your racket.
Yonex Vcore 98 Plus(长)2023 免费重新穿线(已拉紧)
Balance determines whether your racket is head heavy, even or head light.
Flexibility ranges from 0 – 100%, the higher the percentage, the chance of generating power in your shot.
Total Weight is the unstrung weight of the racket as measured by Yonex Precision Scan. Heavier rackets generate more power.
Swing Weight is measured by the swinging of the racket at a specific speed. A lighter swing weight can lead to more control.
Performance Swing Weight considers the weight, balance and swing weight to give you an effective estimate of the power behind your racket.
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当您握住手柄时,您会注意到对细节的一丝不苟,这正是 Yonex 的传统。纹理握把提供无与伦比的控制力,确保您在击球时牢牢握住球拍。引人注目的配色,现代色调与经典对比的和谐融合,证明了尤尼克斯对形式和功能的奉献。
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