Balance determines whether your racket is head heavy, even or head light.
Flexibility ranges from 0 – 100%, the higher the percentage, the chance of generating power in your shot.
Total Weight is the unstrung weight of the racket as measured by Yonex Precision Scan. Heavier rackets generate more power.
Swing Weight is measured by the swinging of the racket at a specific speed. A lighter swing weight can lead to more control.
Performance Swing Weight considers the weight, balance and swing weight to give you an effective estimate of the power behind your racket.
尤尼克斯 Nanoflare Nextage
Badminton England Members receive 5% extra discount when using your BE registered email - exceptions apply -
Balance determines whether your racket is head heavy, even or head light.
Flexibility ranges from 0 – 100%, the higher the percentage, the chance of generating power in your shot.
Total Weight is the unstrung weight of the racket as measured by Yonex Precision Scan. Heavier rackets generate more power.
Swing Weight is measured by the swinging of the racket at a specific speed. A lighter swing weight can lead to more control.
Performance Swing Weight considers the weight, balance and swing weight to give you an effective estimate of the power behind your racket.
Yonex Nanoflare Nextage:令人振奋的感觉 - 深入描述
YONEX 的 NANOFLARE NEXTAGE 是一款革命性的羽毛球拍,专为希望通过更快的速度和更柔和、更刺激的击球体验来提升球技的中级球员而设计。它将于 2024 年 1 月 17 日上市,是继 ASTROX NEXTAGE 之后 NEXTAGE 系列的最新创新产品。
框架材质:HT 石墨、Nanocell NEO
接头:内置 T 型接头
长度:长 10 毫米
重量/握把:4U(平均 83 克)G5
穿线建议:20 - 28 磅
颜色:白色 / 灰色
商品编号: NF-NX
Nanocell NEO :一种有弹性而又柔韧的石墨材料,完美地融合了强度和弹性。
AERO 拍框:球拍头轮廓更平滑,可减少风阻并加快球拍速度。
ISOMETRIC 技术:与传统圆形框架相比,甜蜜点扩大了 7%,在不牺牲力量的情况下提供更好的控制。
增强型声波闪光系统:在框架的尖端采用高弹性模量 HT 石墨,在底部采用连接索环,以增强排斥力和舒适度。
EB CAP PLUS :用于增加球拍的回弹力。
超细球拍杆:可减少空气阻力并提供最佳手感,使其成为 YONEX 生产的最细的球拍。
系列概览 - NEXTAGE 系列
NEXTAGE 包括 NANOFLARE NEXTAGE 和 ASTROX NEXTAGE,是专为中级球员进阶而设计的产品系列。该系列的特点是击球时手感舒适,而每款型号都保留了各自系列的独特 DNA。
NANOFLARE NEXTAGE 以其光滑的流线型图案和哑光白色底座脱颖而出,体现了未来主义的精致。它的设计不仅注重外观,还通过先进的结构提高了性能。
NANOFLARE NEXTAGE 是中级羽毛球运动员的理想选择,他们希望拥有一款兼具速度、舒适度和令人振奋的击球感觉的球拍。它支持希望将技能和比赛提升到下一个阶段的球员。
YONEX NANOFLARE NEXTAGE 是羽毛球界的一项开创性产品,它为中级球员提供了体验先进技术和令人振奋的比赛感觉的机会。凭借其独特的材料和设计组合,它证明了 YONEX 对创新和球员进步的承诺。
Yonex Nanoflare Nextage
Level | 中间的 |
Average Weight | 4U(平均83克) |
Balance | 头灯 |
Country of Origin | 台湾 |