Balance determines whether your racket is head heavy, even or head light.
Flexibility ranges from 0 – 100%, the higher the percentage, the chance of generating power in your shot.
Total Weight is the unstrung weight of the racket as measured by Yonex Precision Scan. Heavier rackets generate more power.
Swing Weight is measured by the swinging of the racket at a specific speed. A lighter swing weight can lead to more control.
Performance Swing Weight considers the weight, balance and swing weight to give you an effective estimate of the power behind your racket.
Victor Auraspeed 100X H 羽毛球拍黑色(未穿线)
Balance determines whether your racket is head heavy, even or head light.
Flexibility ranges from 0 – 100%, the higher the percentage, the chance of generating power in your shot.
Total Weight is the unstrung weight of the racket as measured by Yonex Precision Scan. Heavier rackets generate more power.
Swing Weight is measured by the swinging of the racket at a specific speed. A lighter swing weight can lead to more control.
Performance Swing Weight considers the weight, balance and swing weight to give you an effective estimate of the power behind your racket.
温馨提示: 这款球拍未上弦,要添加弦线,请确保您选择弦线升级,除非是日本制造的优质 Yonex 球拍,它始终是免费上弦的 - 即使您忘记选择!
VICTOR 欢迎 AURASPEED 系列的最新成员——ARS-100X 。带有X后缀的这款全能旗舰Speed球拍更注重每一次击球之间的连贯性。 ARS-100X将AURASPEED系列的技术特点与创新的杆身技术完美结合,静谧而霸气。
印尼老爹(Ahsan/Setiawan)的新球拍首选! Victor的AURASPEED系列球拍以弹性高、速度快、击球爆发力着称。今年,VICTOR迎来了AURASPEED系列的最新成员——ARS-100X 。带有X后缀的这款全能旗舰Speed球拍更注重每一次击球之间的连贯性。 ARS-100X将AURASPEED系列的技术特点与创新的杆身技术完美结合,静谧而又霸气。
整体配置方面, ARS-100X采用AURASPEED系列经典的DYNAMIC-SWORD车架和高弹性抗扭硬杆身打造。球拍的均衡重量分布使挥拍重量轻、快且稳定,因此ARS-100X能够以强劲而积极的势头进行稳定准确的平面驱动和连续攻击。
ARS-100X内置的轴恢复系统是 VICTOR 的最新技术。采用高模量碳纤维,帮助杆身释放弹性,恢复更快,恢复能力提升3%,传力提升4%。与FREE CORE技术的完美融合,不仅挥杆顺畅快速,更带来舒适、稳定、强劲的击球体验,助你轻松击倒对手,赢得胜利!更重要的是, ARS-100X也是第一款带有半透明帽的球拍产品。凭借独特的设计,玩家现在可以一窥 FREE CORE 的结构,探索 Shaft Recovery System 和 FREE CORE 技术背后的秘密。
Level | 先进的 |
Balance | 头灯 |
Grip | G5 |
Head Shape | 等距 |
Player Type | 进取型 |
Country of Origin | 台湾 |